(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)
Medicine used to prevent or to cure scurvy.
1. An agent that reduces or prevents contamination; especially, by eliminating or reducing the growth of microorganisms that cause scourge or decay: Antiseptics prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms without damaging living tissues.
2. A substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of any disease-causing microorganisms; free of contamination or pollution: Health specialists say that the best antiseptic against illnesses and infection is a thorough hand washing with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds; especially, whenever one is exposed to things handled by other people; such as, shopping carts or baskets.
2. A substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of any disease-causing microorganisms; free of contamination or pollution: Health specialists say that the best antiseptic against illnesses and infection is a thorough hand washing with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds; especially, whenever one is exposed to things handled by other people; such as, shopping carts or baskets.
One researcher said that people would be safer if they use a disinfectant or an antiseptic to wite the handle of the shopping cart just before they use it.
Researchers say they actually found more fecal bacteria on grocery cart handles than those that are normally found in some bathrooms, primarily because many bathrooms are disinfected more often than an antiseptic is used on the shopping cart handles.
People who believe everything they hear.
1. Relieving spasm, usually of smooth muscle, as in arteries, bronchi, intestine, bile duct, ureters, or sphincters, but also of voluntary muscle.
2. An agent that relieves spasm.
2. An agent that relieves spasm.
Antispasmodic with specific reference to skeletal muscle.
antitheistic (adjective), more antitheistic, most antitheistic
Related to those who are opposed to God or anything about God.
1. Preventing dryness of the skin.
2. A medicine that relieves or prevents dry skin.
2. A medicine that relieves or prevents dry skin.
antonymic (adjective), more antonymic, most antonymic
A reference to a word, or words, which express opposite meanings or concepts.
apancreatic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to something that is caused by the absence of the pancreas: As a result of a critical operation to remove the diseased pancreas, Polly was medically in an apancreatic condition and required daily insulin and careful medical monitoring.
aparalytic (adjective), more aparalytic, most aparalytic
Descriptive of a physical condition that is without paralysis or that which does not cause paralysis: After such a severe automobile accident, the fact that Viola survived in an aparalytic condition was considered to be a miracle.
1. In zoology, relating to or characterized by coloration serving as natural camouflage.
2. Assuming colors and forms that effect deceptive camouflage.
3. Relating to the protective resemblance to some part of the environment or to the markings of another species for the purpose of disguise.
4. Serving to conceal by deceptive camouflage.
2. Assuming colors and forms that effect deceptive camouflage.
3. Relating to the protective resemblance to some part of the environment or to the markings of another species for the purpose of disguise.
4. Serving to conceal by deceptive camouflage.
apathetic (ap" uh THET ik) (adjective), more apathetic, most apathetic
1. Relating to a lack of emotion or a reduced level of activity: Dr. Diedrich thought that Nora's apathetic behavior was the beginning of a significant form of depression.
2. Descriptive of a lack of interest and having no concern about something or someone: The apathetic turnout at the election suggested that the voters were unconcerned about the reelection of the mayor.
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2. Descriptive of a lack of interest and having no concern about something or someone: The apathetic turnout at the election suggested that the voters were unconcerned about the reelection of the mayor.